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An open recall on your car means the manufacturer thinks there’s something wrong that really should be fixed.
The statistics about auto recalls are surprising. It seems the older a car gets, the less likely its owner will have recall repairs completed. According to a statement by the Alliance of Automobile Manufacturers, here are the completion rates of recalls by the age of the car:
Newer cars (less than five years old): 83%
Cars aged 5-10 years: 44%
Cars more than 10 years old: 15%
When you consider that the average age of vehicles today is 11.5 years, you can see why overall nearly 25% of recall repairs are never completed. Recall repairs have to be completed by a brand-name dealership for your make of car, which is why Auto City cannot handle recall repairs. But do we want everyone to know that there is an easy way to find out if there is an open recall on your vehicle, and to encourage you to have the repairs addressed.
Vehicles get recalled for all kinds of reasons. Some recall issues are minor, some are major, and some don’t even have a remedy yet, but when they do, it’s the brand-name dealership for your make of car who responsible for completing the repairs. Check for recalls on your vehicle using the link below:
An open recall on your vehicle means the manufacturer thinks there’s something wrong with car that really should be fixed. All you have to do is type in your vehicle identification number (VIN) and you’ll be able to find out if there are any open recalls on your car. You’ll get one of three different results from your search as follows:
Recall INCOMPLETE: This means that an incomplete or “open” recall was found on your car and you should follow the remedy instructions.
Recall INCOMPLETE. Remedy Not Yet Available: This means that an incomplete or “open” recall was found on your car, but the manufacturer is not yet ready to provide the needed remedy or fix.
Number of Open Recalls: 0 . This means that either you have no recalls associated with your car or your car has already been fixed.
When’s the last time you discovered something wrong with your car that needed fixing and you didn’t have to pay for the repair? Probably never. Auto recall repairs are the one exception to the rule – they’re typically completed free of charge by the brand-name dealership. You get to enjoy the peace of mind knowing something that’s wrong with your car is being fixed, and you don’t have to pay for it. Sounds like a win-win situation, right?
Auto City in San Diego encourages all its customers to find out if there are open recalls on their vehicle and to get them repaired at the nearest brand-name dealership.